I dropped my blue tooth earphone this morning and soon realized that on train. I seemed remember that hearing something dropping in front of our apartment. I was hoping that that was my earphone and it would still be there when I go home. And it did! Just smashed...
I was just start to like to use my blue tooth. I used it to make phone calls and even listen to musics. I don't think I can live without it. I need to get a new one very soon.
November 30, 2009
Raining by the ocean
Media: Facebook Graffiti, Wacom Tablet CTE-430
Dimensions: 580x270 pixel
Model: N/A
Lines: 5984
Dots: 1000
Colors: 39
Average Line Length: 1 cm
Total Line Length: 51 meters
Draw Time: about 1 hour
November 29, 2009
Flower arrangement in living room
Flower arrangement in living room
Originally uploaded by foundway
Flower arrangement work by my wife, Maya. She put it aside our water fountain and suddenly our living room became a zen place.
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November 26, 2009
夢解 - 船和藍色大海
在與朋友的聊天之中偶而聽說了「孵夢」這樣的心理運動。就是早上起來之後把夢記錄下來、分析,用來更加了解自己的方法。心血來潮之下用了一些以前在心理系所學到的東西試著分析了友人 M 的夢:
M 氏之夢 11/26
M 是一個不拘小節,生活隨興的人。平常喜歡蒐集各式各樣有用或沒有用的小物品,例如廣告傳單、樹葉、宣傳手冊之類的。蒐集之後總是隨意的放在家裡。M 的老公是個有點潔癖的人,喜歡把東西歸類、放整齊。倆人因為收拾家裡已有過無數次的大小爭執。
M 喜歡做料理,卻不喜歡按照食譜來做,所以雖然可以做出美味的料理,卻也常常失敗。即使是拿手菜也不是每一次都一樣好吃。在夢中的紙折的魚可以看作是料理,因為折一條魚就像料理一樣,需要用對的材料按照正確的程序才能成功。
M 的老公常常和她說明家裡維持整齊的重要性,但她從來沒有聽進去,就像日文課的時候聽不懂老師說的話一樣。但是其實心中一直都有一部份其實是知道的,只是不想接受。
所以從 M 的夢中其實可以看出:M 其實也希望把生活很有調理的整理好。折紙、折衣服,都是需要按照一定的程序和方法才能完成的工作。其實在潛意識中,M 似乎其實嚮往著一種簡單、有條理的生活。
M 似乎覺得我的解釋很有道理,說不定這樣子對夢的一番理解真的對了解自己有所幫助。下一次試試看解自己的夢吧。
M 氏之夢 11/26
在教室裡,有一個老師/組員在旁邊,上紙雕課。要折一條船,成功的折了一個大船,很高興。另外有一隻大魚,可能是別的組員折的,和船配一組,也很高興。需要找海浪,發現別組有用藍色皺紋紙做的海浪。M 想要和別組合買,別組拿出一個很大包的 twin pack, 1.39 元很划算。今天的課結束之後把東西收起來下禮拜繼續。用東西擋著,立得很整齊很高興,剛剛好。以下是我的解釋:
到另一個教室,日文教室,有一排學生。老師是女生,一直講,很奇怪沒有字幕聽不懂。問旁邊的人說講老師現在是在講日文嗎?旁邊的人說對,M 很生氣,覺得被騙了,怎麼可以講日文。M 覺得大家都不會吧,結果旁邊的人馬上用日文回答老師的問題,M 驚訝萬分。
M 是一個不拘小節,生活隨興的人。平常喜歡蒐集各式各樣有用或沒有用的小物品,例如廣告傳單、樹葉、宣傳手冊之類的。蒐集之後總是隨意的放在家裡。M 的老公是個有點潔癖的人,喜歡把東西歸類、放整齊。倆人因為收拾家裡已有過無數次的大小爭執。
M 喜歡做料理,卻不喜歡按照食譜來做,所以雖然可以做出美味的料理,卻也常常失敗。即使是拿手菜也不是每一次都一樣好吃。在夢中的紙折的魚可以看作是料理,因為折一條魚就像料理一樣,需要用對的材料按照正確的程序才能成功。
M 的老公常常和她說明家裡維持整齊的重要性,但她從來沒有聽進去,就像日文課的時候聽不懂老師說的話一樣。但是其實心中一直都有一部份其實是知道的,只是不想接受。
所以從 M 的夢中其實可以看出:M 其實也希望把生活很有調理的整理好。折紙、折衣服,都是需要按照一定的程序和方法才能完成的工作。其實在潛意識中,M 似乎其實嚮往著一種簡單、有條理的生活。
M 似乎覺得我的解釋很有道理,說不定這樣子對夢的一番理解真的對了解自己有所幫助。下一次試試看解自己的夢吧。
November 25, 2009
Previewing Synergy Trading Method
The Synergy Trading Method was developed by Dean Malone and is an effective Forex trading method developed to simplify trading decisions with high probability precision. It combines the market forces of Price Action, Trend, Momentum and Market Strength to produce higher probability trades.
Here is an article I found on web:
I have to go to work, but I'll be looking more into this and post what I find.
November 23, 2009
Girl With Horns
Drawing a cosplay girl with horn decorators. Although I am not sure what game or anime character she is playing, her look and the mood in that picture did inspire me.
Drawing her hair is the most tricky yet interesting part. I can spend another 2 hours just draw and tweak details on the hair. But it was late at night and I decided to call it a day.
I have never draw anyone wearing glasses before. This is new to me too. Surprisingly, although glasses covers most of her eye, it actually enhances the depth of her look.
Media: Facebook Graffiti, Wacom Tablet CTE-430
Dimensions: 986x459 pixel
Model: N/A
Lines: 4466
Dots: 393
Colors: 21
Average Line Length: 1 cm
Total Line Length: 56 meters
Draw Time: about 1 hour
Draw Time: about 1 hour
November 20, 2009
Forex System Research - Parmenides
Average Stop : 30-100 Pips per position
Average Limit : 30-100 Pips per position
Start Date: 9/24/2009 10:42:05 AM
Trade frequency: 40-60 per week
Time frame: H1
Trend or Reversal trader: Both
Swing / Intraday / Daytrader: Swing
System Description:
Utilized a custom developed version on Synergy Trading Method, which was developed originally by Dean Malone. It combines the market forces of Price Action, Trend, Momentum and Market Strength to produce higher probability trades.
The system identify and use two important trading components in real-time: Price Action and Sentiment. Price Action is market movement, such as the oscillation of Open, High, Low and Close prices. Synergy is designed to eliminate price distortions. It reveals periods of market strength and trend and periods of consolidation. Sentiment is the intuitive feeling or attitude of traders and investors in the market. For example, if the sentiment of the market is bullish, then traders and investors expect an upward move in the market. Often, sentiment is an indication of optimism or pessimism in the market based on recent news announcements or political events.
Average Stop : 30-100 Pips per position
Average Limit : 30-100 Pips per position
Start Date: 9/24/2009 10:42:05 AM
Trade frequency: 40-60 per week
Time frame: H1
Trend or Reversal trader: Both
Swing / Intraday / Daytrader: Swing
System Description:
Utilized a custom developed version on Synergy Trading Method, which was developed originally by Dean Malone. It combines the market forces of Price Action, Trend, Momentum and Market Strength to produce higher probability trades.
The system identify and use two important trading components in real-time: Price Action and Sentiment. Price Action is market movement, such as the oscillation of Open, High, Low and Close prices. Synergy is designed to eliminate price distortions. It reveals periods of market strength and trend and periods of consolidation. Sentiment is the intuitive feeling or attitude of traders and investors in the market. For example, if the sentiment of the market is bullish, then traders and investors expect an upward move in the market. Often, sentiment is an indication of optimism or pessimism in the market based on recent news announcements or political events.
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