August 03, 2011

VFX Reel 2010

*** This is not my most current reel. Latest one here ***


My special effects reel after finishing MegaMind as an FX lead.

Full Version >>


Putting On A Show: Laser Light Shows for "Megamind" - SIGGRAPH Dailies

SIGGRAPH Dailies! is where you can participate in the vibrant production culture that surrounds presenting and reviewing work that was completed despite seemingly endless obstacles.

I'll be showing a laser light rig that can be choreographed by the director and a multiple-passed rendering technique to simulate delicate laser light effects.


Destroying Metro City: An Artist-Friendly and Efficient Demolition Pipeline for "Megamind"

Another talk with David Lipton as a co-presenter in SIGGRAPH 2011

This complete demolition system combines an efficient pipeline with the artist-friendly simulation tools used to destroy a city in DreamWorks Animation's "Megamind".

I am going to talk about  the geometry demolition and dust fluid simulation part.


Building and Animating Cobwebs for Antique Sets

My talk at Siggraph 2011:

In this 20 minutes talk, I'll share a work flow for modeling and animating cobwebs on antique sets includes a tool set for artists to model cobwebs, a physics-based solver, and a procedural-modeling engine.

This is a cold topic, but special effects are not always about explosion or destruction. Subtle things like cobwebs complete a scene as effective as hero effects.


The 36th Annie Awards Nomination - Animated Effects

The Annie Awards Nominations (36th)

My first professional level award. Mostly based on my works in Madagascar 2. In the show, I've developed several fx systems, i.e. sparks rig, a SPH fluid solver, splash particle shaders, and pipeline tools.



Some old stuff






August 02, 2011

Technical Artist Reel 2006

*** This is not my most current reel. Latest one here ***


My first reel after graduated from Carnegie Mellon University. I didn't really focus on special effects at the point so in this reel you can see some modeling, texturing, and rigging works.


About Me

This is the old "About Me" page. New page here »

Fangwei Lee
FX Lead

Throughout my life I have had a strong interest in computer graphic and animation. This interest has led me to seize every opportunity to learn and practice digital art. My mix of previous art practice and my degree as a Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University make me an active FX lead in DreamWorks Animation.

My technical proficiency includes the mastery of Python and C/C++ scripting and expertise in visual effects setup. On the artistic side, my extensive traditional fine art training and 2D/3D animation experience give me a wide breadth of creativity and artistic skills. This knowledge of both art and technology, and my experience with working collaboratively in interdisciplinary group environments convinced me that being an artist for 3D animations is a career for me.

In addition to the more practical aspects of art, my spirit of artistic adventure has also lead me to explore many activities beyond computer art training such as sculpture, paper folding, juggling, and performing magic. Each of these activities has further stimulated creative abilities that I can use as a unique technical artist.

Resume >>

External Links:

March 28, 2011

發糕 (exploding sponge cake)


Grand-mom made these exploding sponge cake for us as my aunt's birthday cake. Also a perfect treat for an effects artist. One of my favorite Chinese pastries.


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 20, 2011

In Front of Taipei International Flora Expo

This is me trying to model Chinese character "fang" (first character of my first name) in front of the entrance of the Taipei International Flora Expo. My left foot was suppose to bend more to make a perfect "fang" but I've been walking/standing for 16 hours that day so this is the best I can do.


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 15, 2011




Originally uploaded by foundway

March 14, 2011


當還要用 google map 才知道要怎麼去老地盤饒河街的時候終於感覺到離開台灣太久了。


Originally uploaded by foundway




Originally uploaded by foundway




Originally uploaded by foundway

March 10, 2011

5 Minutes Breakfast

I am getting so good at preparing breakfast. This only took me 5 minutes to prepare:
1. Scrambled Egg - 2 min
2. Baked Toast - 5 min (for baking)
3. Coffee - 1 min

It's good to have some hot breakfast in the morning.


Originally uploaded by foundway

2 minutes scrambled egg

Instant scrambled egg for breakfast:
1. 3 eggs blend with whisk
2. microwave 1 min 30 sec
3. blend again
4. depend on how hard the egg is, microwave again


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 06, 2011




Originally uploaded by foundway

January 30, 2011


Maya 的超省時咖哩烏龍麵,前後不到十分鐘上桌。吃的時候才想到,雖然這是一道常常聽到的料理,可是好像很少在店裡點過也很少在家裡做。難道說這是我平生第一次吃到?

January 19, 2011

Purple Dress

Hasn't been drawing for a long while. Finally got some time today to sit down ad draw. Although the model is
Nozomi Sasaki, I didn't really try to resemble her. Just use her photo for posing and lighting reference.

Also check out my drawing progress on FaceBook >>


January 14, 2011


Maya 做的「麻婆豆腐」,比店裡做的還好吃!雖然家裡沒有豆瓣醬,我們用韓式辣醬代替也相當不錯。我負責炒花椒,Maya 覺得我加太多了嘴太麻,可是看來我很喜歡這種麻痺的感覺,吃了滿滿兩碗。
