February 06, 2013

VFX Reel 2012

My VFX reel up to 2012. Includes effects works from Madagascar 3, Madagascar 2, Dragon TV Special - Gift from Night Fury, MegaMind, etc.

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00:00 - 00:28   Eggsplosion (Dragon TV Special - Gift from Night Fury)
Supervised village destruction sequence
Developed fireball system with proprietary fluid solver
Developed fluid solver GUI and templates in Houdini
Worked on multiple destruction shots

00:28 - 00:48   Fire (Madagascar)
Supervised fire sequence
Developed fire system with proprietary fluid solver
Developed fluid solver GUI and templates in Houdini
Worked on multiple shots

00:48 - 00:53   Fireball and Fire sucking (MegaMind)
Developed fire sucking rig in Maya

00:53 - 0057   Big Scale Fireball (MegaMind)
Developed fireball rig and worked on the shot

00:57 - 01:04   Ceiling Destruction (Madagascar 3 - Europe Most Wanted)
Developed multiple fracture rig in Houdini
Fractured and deformed metal frames
Simulated impact dust

01:04 - 01:14   Demolition (Siggraph 2011 Talk) (MegaMind)
Developed dust cloud rig and worked on multiple shots

01:14 - 01:22   Steam (Madagascar 3 - Europe Most Wanted)
Supervised train steam sequence
Developed steam system with proprietary fluid solver
Developed fluid solver GUI and templates in Houdini

01:22 - 01:32   Goo (Dragon TV Special - Gift from Night Fury)
Developed sticky liquid rig with Houdini FLIP solver
Developed FLIP GUI and templates in Houdini

01:32 - 01:34   Cobras (Siggraph 2012 Dailies) (Madagascar 3 - Europe Most Wanted)
Modeled, rigged and animated cobra with procedural animation.

01:34 - 01:36   Splash (Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa)
Developed water splash rig
Developed SPH solver

01:36 - 01:41   Water Tornado (MegaMind)
Rigged and worked on shots

01:41 - 01:44   Water Dripping (Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa)
Developed water dripping system and worked on multiple shots

01:44 - 01:58   Dam Break (Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa)
Developed SPH solver
Developed splash and foam rig
Worked on multiple shots

01:58 - 02:02   Cloud (Dragon TV Special - Gift from Night Fury)
Worked on volumetric cloud with VDB

02:02 - 02:11   Balloons (Madagascar 3 - Europe Most Wanted)
Rigged and worked on multiple shots