March 28, 2011

發糕 (exploding sponge cake)


Grand-mom made these exploding sponge cake for us as my aunt's birthday cake. Also a perfect treat for an effects artist. One of my favorite Chinese pastries.


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 20, 2011

In Front of Taipei International Flora Expo

This is me trying to model Chinese character "fang" (first character of my first name) in front of the entrance of the Taipei International Flora Expo. My left foot was suppose to bend more to make a perfect "fang" but I've been walking/standing for 16 hours that day so this is the best I can do.


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 15, 2011




Originally uploaded by foundway

March 14, 2011


當還要用 google map 才知道要怎麼去老地盤饒河街的時候終於感覺到離開台灣太久了。


Originally uploaded by foundway




Originally uploaded by foundway




Originally uploaded by foundway

March 10, 2011

5 Minutes Breakfast

I am getting so good at preparing breakfast. This only took me 5 minutes to prepare:
1. Scrambled Egg - 2 min
2. Baked Toast - 5 min (for baking)
3. Coffee - 1 min

It's good to have some hot breakfast in the morning.


Originally uploaded by foundway

2 minutes scrambled egg

Instant scrambled egg for breakfast:
1. 3 eggs blend with whisk
2. microwave 1 min 30 sec
3. blend again
4. depend on how hard the egg is, microwave again


Originally uploaded by foundway

March 06, 2011




Originally uploaded by foundway